Dehydration: what causes it and what can you do?

Dehydration is a common summer problem. Although in most…
cases not of concern as long as the treatment at home, however when the problems become more serious, we have to appeal to the doctor.
What is dehydration:
Dehydration is a significant reduction in the body water and, to varying degrees, electrolytes.
The dehydration is mainly due to four main categories of factors:
-Factors which cause reduction of water intake
Dehydration from decreased water intake observed in busy professionals with psychogenic reduced intake, the elderly, persons suffering from some organic disease (e.x. strokes, psychiatric syndromes).
-Factors that cause increased losses of water
Dehydration from increased losses observed during high environmental temperatures, in the elderly, in the case of the use of certain drugs or toxic substances (e.x. diuretics) in patients from certain organic diseases (e.x. kidney diseases, diabetes, diarrhea), etc. Exercise during periods of heat increases the likelihood of dehydration in healthy subjects.
-Factors that cause loss of whole blood
The bleeding may be obvious (e.x. car accident) or it is internal bleeding (e.x. gi bleeding).
-Factors that cause pathologic accumulation or extravasation
water in some areas of the body, with the result that withholding such items to other. This phenomenon is happening to classical in cases of extensive burns, pancreatitis, ascites, ileus.
The mechanism of the dehydration is mixed, in some cases.
Most people assume that we drink enough fluids on a daily basis. Really, we drink coffee, tea, soft drinks or other beverages. These fluids but most of the times increase the losses because they cause diuresis and sweating.
The usual causes are:
-Prolonged physical activity with sweating without consuming adequate water, especially in a warm and / or dry environment
-Blood loss due to trauma
-Shock (hypovolemic)
-The use of methamphetamine, amphetamine, caffeine and other stimulants
-Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
-Infectious diseases ( gastroenteritis, cholera, shigellosis)
-Electrolyte disorders ( υπερνατριαιμία, hyponatremia, fasting, refusal of food intake, weakness κατάπωσης)
The symptoms of mild dehydration include:
-reduced amount of urine
-unusually dark urine
-unexplained fatigue
-lack of tears when they cry
-dry mouth
-dizziness (due to postural hypotension)
The symptoms of severe dehydration include:
-muscle cramps,
-decreased blood pressure (hypotension),
-dizziness or fainting when standing up (due to postural hypotension).
-loss of consciousness,
-swelling of the tongue
Other symptoms that may be due to chronic dehydration are:
-Urinary tract infections: evidence shows that people who are dehydrated have the most concentrated urine with the result that toxins contained in damage to the epithelium of the organs of the urinary tract and increases the possibility of infection.
-Cardiovascular diseases: studies show that dehydration increases the risk for heart attacks and strokes due to increased blood viscosity.
-Digestive complaints: the secretions of digestive juices in the stomach and intestine is reduced.
-Hypotension or Hypertension: the volume of blood is not sufficient to fill the arteries and veins in our body. This makes it difficult for the body to regulate the correct pressure. The result is we have either high or low blood pressure.
-Dental health: dehydration decreases saliva production and the protection it provides teeth. You will need to pay particular attention to those who play sports and sweat strongly.

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