Cyprus: New revealing video from Habakkuk Monastery – Monk and woman carry heavy object at midnight

A new revealing video from her Habakkuk Monastery’s closed security circuit comes in “light”. In the new video that Sigmalive releases, the movements of a monk and a woman midnight on February 23, 12 days before the domino revelations erupted around the Habakkuk Monastery of Cyprus. As recorded in the video and broadcasts Sigmalive, the movements and attitudes of the body of the monk and the woman, testify that they carry a fairly heavy object, reminiscent of a safe. At some point, even, the white cloth, with which the object was covered, both faces stop to keep it better not fall. They cross the cobblestone next to the monastery chapel and are lost in the distance. Then, and from a different take, these two faces, always holding the heavy object progress, but eventually losing their balance and making an effort to regain their pace. At 12 and 16, a minute later that is, again from a different take of the closed circuit, it appears to approach the point of a vehicle. A few seconds later the back of a black van-type vehicle is distinguished, which moves in the narrow alley with the rear. Then a monk’s figure is recorded heading to the point where just a few seconds ago the vehicle was visible. The monk passes through the spot and is lost. The van reappears crossing the narrow alley of the Monastery and reaches very close to the chapel.