Crete: African dust “exhausted” the horizon in Heraklion, images of beaches

In Heraklion, people of all ages rushed to beaches for fresh breaths… The African dust “disappeared” the horizon in Heraklion, with the beaches of the city hosting people of every age who wanted to take cool breaths. The scenery and temperatures in Crete do not resemble 31 March. They refer more to the early summer, but at least calendarly, is still two whole months away. Despite warning about the presence of dust in the air, but also high humidity rates, bathers chose to enjoy their bath. The beaches were filled with the presence of many people of every age who enjoyed the “hidden” sun and sea. High temperatures, which exceeded the usual for this time of year, were another reason for the Heracles to enjoy a pleasant experience at sea with African dust simply being a parenthesis. The beaches were filled with families, young and old, who enjoyed the blue-green waters of the Cretan Sea. The images of reflect this “explosive cocktail” created by African dust. The high temperatures for the season brought people to beaches in Attica, as shown in the video below of ERT… Reaching the end of March the picture of higher temperatures for normal levels for the season does not change. As Mr.Laward explains, according to preliminary estimates for the third month of the year, and based on data by 28 March 2024, there are relative deviations across Greece for 1.5 to 2 points above normal levels for the season. The exception is Epirus which according to the data so far records deviations of one degree. At the same time, as Mr Laguard points out, the first 10 days of April are expected to be warm starting next week. In particular, according to the newest predictive elements of / National Observatory of Athens, air traffic over Europe over the next few days will favour the transport of extreme heats for the gas season of masses from Africa to Eastern Europe. This situation will result in temperatures up to 15-16 degrees Celsius higher than normal levels for the season.