Compensation for the snowball demand of the farmers of the Apostle, and Kokkalis

By letter of the ministry of Rural Development, the Federation of Breed Clubs and Breeders of Region of Thessaly disclose the damage to…
livestock that have been caused to their units from the disaster. The letter shall notify the minister for Rural Development Vangelis Apostolou, the deputy minister of Agricultural Development Yiannis Tsironis and the secretary of state for Rural Development Vasilis Kokkalis In their letter they mention:
“K. Minister the extreme weather conditions the last time in our country with total frost and a heavy snowfall throughout the country have created too many problems to farmers. As a result of this disaster is to kill enough animals from the cold, there is a great decline in the production of ewe’s and goat’s milk and an increased cost in feed as there was the possibility for the external range. There have also been several problems on farms with the water as it was not able to transfer due to the intense snowfall as there was no vehicle access to these units.
From all the above it is imperative that the compensation of farmers for loss of production through programmes for intense weather phenomena, such as had been given in the past (de minimis) as well as the immediate compensation of farmers who died their animals from a natural disaster through ELGA.”

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