Committees of inquiry of the Public to the Private Schools

In the last few days have seen the light of publicity many reports on the intention of the Ministry of Education to impose on private schools the status of a public… control, in accordance with which the final examination of C Grade and C Grade, the subjects of the final examination in each course will be the exclusive responsibility of two teachers of the Public, who will grade the writings of the students. The same would have been the responsibility of the issuance of απολυτηρίων. The Association of teachers of the private school remains only the control of absenteeism and conduct.
The “Coordinating Committee of Associations of Parents of Private Schools in Greece”, awaiting a call for information and debate from the Minister or executives of the Ministry of Education, since parents can not and must not be absent from the dialogue, he wants to make it clear that:
1. The role of private education as an official Education is institutionally guaranteed, and its degradation will have serious consequences, both in the psychology of the education and the work that it offers, and the way we were students and in further cooperation.
2. The argument that the control of the Public is imposed because some of the private “offer” degrees, is refuted by the data of the Ministry of Education : in the university entrance examinations (the only common for all the students and undoubtedly a fair evaluation process) the average of the grades achieved by the students in 2014 were:
• Public Schools: 12.1
• Public Standards – Pilot High Schools : 14
• Private Schools : 15
The Ministry of Education has at his disposal all the scores of all students of private and public schools. It’s very simple, if you want to check what schools the average of the ενδοσχολικών exam deviates highly from the average of the respective nationwide and to intervene.
3. The equality of the pupils requires the diplomas and any other kind of certification to be given in common for all procedures. If to ensure the validity of the qualifications needed extracurricular supervision”, this should apply for all the schools in the country, public and private.
The educational work produced in the private schools, the result of a joint effort between students, teachers and school, is – as and results – in the right direction. We will assist in any action which has the aim of further improving this project, but we are opposed to any attempt to degradation and obsolescence of the schools attending our children.