10 superfoods that detoxify the liver

The liver is one of the most sensitive and susceptible organs of the human body. Taking the function as something of a given.
it is a mistake. Doctors are sounding the alarm, stressing that it is an instrument that you have to invest in.
Poor diet and alcohol consumption threaten the good functioning of the liver. It is important to αποτοξινώνουμε the liver, and the 10 super foods that help are the following:
1. Green tea
It is full of antioxidants and dissolves the fat that accumulates around the liver
2. Garlic
May has a strong smell but a clove activates the enzymes in the liver and it cleanses you from toxins
3. Green vegetables
The more green the more the merrier. The chlorophylls absorb all the toxins from the blood, and neutralize heavy metals.
4. Apples
They have a high content of pectin and cleaning of toxins from the digestive system. The nutrients found in apples help the liver during the cleaning process
5. Lemons
They have a high content of vitamin C and a glass of water with a squeezed lemon every morning strengthens the liver
6. Nuts
Help the liver detoxify the ammonia while the omega-3 fatty acids help the liver to cleanse
7. Turmeric
Every time we talk about a healthy way of life turmeric is there. This precious spice detoxifies and has anti-cancer properties
8. Olive oil
It has become a must in all the kitchens of the world. The olive oil gives the liver an oily base and absorbing the toxins of the body
9. Grapefruit
With a high content of vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit detoxifies the liver and enhances the cleaning process
10. Carrots and beets
Glutathione is a protein found in carrots and beets and helps to detoxify the liver. Improve the overall function of the liver.