Change time 2024: When should we turn the clocks one hour ahead

On the last Sunday of March, we have her, from winter to summer. So their indicators should be moved an hour ahead. In particular, on March 31, when the time change comes into effect, at 3:00 in the morning the clocks will have to go an hour ahead and show 4, and we will all lose an hour of sleep or… fun. Changing the time is intended to make better use of the light of the day to save energy. Today the part of the world population using the time shift is a minority, as almost all Asian and African countries do not participate. Others have abolished it or planned to abolish the measure. The European Union decided to stop switching time in 2021, enabling each Member State to choose independently the permanentisation of summer or winter time. In Greece the consultation was postponed indefinitely, as it coincided with the coronavirus health crisis. The first time change in Greece In Greece the summer time was first applied, by trial, in 1932 and specifically from 6 July to 1 September, when the clocks were set one hour ahead. But then it was abandoned, because on 28 July 1916 at 4am, clocks in Greece had gone 25 minutes ahead at the entrance of the time zone decided worldwide. In 1975, following the energy crisis that broke out in Europe in 1973, it was decided to adopt the summertime measure from much of the states of the old continent, including Greece.