‘Camp’ for the price of coffee – Screenplays for increases due to the new European Regulation

“Camp” for its honour in Europe hits union of coffee manufacturers in , which is the second largest importer of coffee in the world. The coffee industry in Germany believes that the supply of coffee will no longer be guaranteed as of next year, as a result of a new EU regulation on supply chains without deforestation. “We are threatened with a shortage in the German and European markets. Prices for coffee still available will increase significantly,” the German Coffee Association announced, although the Commission disagrees. In response to a question from the German press agency, the Commission stated that it does not know any fact that the regulation would increase food prices. The impact on the prices of raw materials covered by the Regulation is expected to be very limited. Holger Preibisch, CEO of the coffee association, calls for a postponement of the implementation of the EU regulation. Otherwise millions of coffee growers worldwide will be threatened. This is the EU Regulation on supply chains without deforestation, which entered into force last year and will apply from 30 December. The newspaper “Lebensmittel Zeitung” referred to the union’s concerns last week.