Baby Carrier: Secrets & Tips

The baby carrier is a good choice for the first walks with the baby. Your baby feel safe as it rests on you, it smells …
your smell and listening to the sound of the heart. You, on the other hand you can move to having your hands free.
What else, however, you need to know about him?
• Prefer to try the pouch if it is possible with the baby before you buy. Make sure that is easily worn and that can withstand the weight of the baby as it grows.
• Prefer to choose a pouch that can be washed as it is very likely to get dirty (e.x. from sips of the baby).
• When you wear your baby in the pouch and you want to bend down you should always hold the head of your baby.
• When you walk around with your baby in the pouch it is advisable to wear flat shoes that are not slippery so as to ensure stable walking.
• When you grow the baby you can choose a pouch that allows the baby to be facing out so it can observes the environment around him.
• There are also textile baby slings (slings) that are used for newborns as well as allow them to be in a lying position.
• In addition to the pouch chest is there and the baby carrier back, which ensures even greater freedom of movement, but assumes that your baby is bigger.
The Flora Cassavetes, with the cooperation of the pediatrician’s office Spyros Μαζάνη, Doctorate of Pediatrics, University of Rome.