As a result of these white marks on teeth – What you need to do…

A beautiful smile enhances the beauty of a person…
And the nice teeth that are white and without spots is the key “ingredient” that will make your smile beautiful and attractive.
But if you develop signs or, more specifically, white spots on your teeth, then for sure your smile doesn’t have the same confidence.
There are several reasons due to which a person may develop white spots and these reasons vary from person to person.
Some of the common reasons that a person may develop white spots on the teeth are:
Fluorosis: it Is a condition that damages the enamel of the teeth and causes white spots on them. This situation occurs due to excessive consumption of fluoride by children before the full development of the teeth.
Excessive secretion of calcium: The body produces excess calcium during the development of the teeth and this excess calcium affects the enamel and causes white spots.
Loss of metal: White spots may also appear on teeth due to the loss of metal in the teeth, which is known as υποασβεστοποίηση (hypocalcification), and then the white spots is a condition known as hypoplasia.
Acidic fruits and drinks: excessive consumption of acidic fruits and drinks destroy the enamel of the teeth, therefore, creates white spots.
How to get rid of the white spots on your teeth
1. Toothpaste with baking soda and vinegar
The use of baking soda along with the vinegar helps to remove the white spots.
You will need:
Vinegar – 1 teaspoon
Baking soda – 2 tsp.
What to do:
Mix the vinegar with the baking soda to form a smooth paste.
Brush your teeth with this paste for 2 to 3 minutes.
Rinse your mouth with water.
Repeat twice a week until you remove the white spots completely.
2. Lemon and salt
This combination also helps to remove the white spots, while it will prevent bad breath and strengthen the gums.
You should use sea salt because it is filled with minerals, which are beneficial for the teeth and gums.
You will need:
Lemon juice – 1 tbsp
Sea salt – 1 tbsp
What to do:
Mix the lemon juice and salt.
Apply the mixture on your teeth.
Rub it on your teeth for a few minutes.
Rinse your mouth with water.
Repeat at least once every morning to get rid of the white spots.
3. Banana peel
Filled with metals, such as magnesium, manganese and potassium, the banana peel removes the white patches effectively. It works by penetrating deep within the teeth.
You will need:
Ripe banana – 1 peeled
What to do:
Rub the peel on your teeth for 2 minutes.
Leave on for 15 minutes and then brush with your normal toothpaste.
Wash your mouth with water.
Repeat this process daily until you see that the white spots are removed.