Alexandra Usta: I nursed my son for 3 years – to my husband I admire his mind

‘ Is that journalism? “ She wonders about her new television interview. The way media was managed in the past a difficult personal moment was mentioned by Alexandra Usta, Saturday morning, when she was on the set of the show “Two at 10” with Zoe Kronakis and Dimitris Yagtzoglou. “I understand that, like acting, journalism is a large space made up of various other things. I mean, you want to do journalism politics, social, lifestyle and all that. For me this track was very difficult” the charming protagonist pointed out. “I think it also caused me psychological issues, plus I can’t get into someone else’s mind. I can’t follow that thought and that logic. When the other guy has one thing, how you go and pick it up at the time. The issues before she left life (p. her former companion, Sakis Boulas). In order to sell cards and win clicks on the internet, you send the man before his time.” “Is that a journalism? Answer me, I don’t know, you’re also people of space. I can’t imagine this thing. I can’t, I don’t. Anyway, it was all a pressure” Alexandra Usta also added to her new television interview.