Do they or do they not bear fruit in the measures of 1 March against accuracy? Lefteris Kyoses, his general manager, spoke to ERT about how their de-escalation on supermarket shelves is reflected with him expressing the view that “price increases in certain categories, such as dairy and cheese-making”. “Basicly what he went through is the initial prices and not the final prices of the products,” noted the Director General of IELKA. He pointed out that after the relevant ministry’s measures to combat accuracy now “we have fewer products in offers and discounts. Final prices have not been particularly affected” noted features. And as he pointed out “the initial prices have been affected. The finals will be seen in practice.” Commenting on the way the products are promoted he said “it is now quite complex the shelf and label (p. in supermarkets”, which is purely a matter of legislation” noted the director general of the Institute for Retail Consumer Goods Research. Concerning whether consumers have a benefit after the implementation of the measures, he said that “de-escalation in the last two months certainly exists. We will also see March”. Asked if the discounts can pass on to food replied that in this category there is a particularity as they have a very small life cycle unlike detergents. “The picture we have of both supermarkets and our own data is that the price increase in some categories, such as dairy and cheese-making, has slowed down. We have the first reductions. The rest of the charges have been raised. Specifically at 2.75% is the increase we recorded for February and we want to go to zero,” added Mr. Kyoses.
Accuracy: ‘Freak’ price increases in supermarkets in milk and cheese