A new theory claims that the Earth came from the fusion of two planets

Looking for how to create the Moon, astronomers found evidence that it came from the collision of a small planet with the Earth, before 4.5 billion years.
According to the scientists, the collision was so violent that this “planetary embryo”, with name “Aunt”, came to be incorporated into the Earth and the moon.
This is not the first time that scientists claim that the Moon was formed from a collision in our solar system. Until today, however, the theories that have been proposed have suggested that the Aunt received a small portion of the Land, εκτινάσσοντάς in orbit around our planet, while then continued on the “journey” of the time.
On the contrary, the team from the university of California supports now that the Aunt was merged with the Earth. Therefore, the Moon’s a fragment that consists of masses of the two celestial bodies.
For the study, which was published in the journal Science, the team analyzed casting lunar carrying to Earth the missions Apollo, as well as six sample of volcanic rocks from the earth’s mantle.
What they measured was the ratio of isotopes of oxygen in the rocks, counting the number of atoms of oxygen have a different count of protons and neutrons in their nucleus.
This ratio is important because it is a kind of “fingerprint” for each stone, and indicates where it came from. On Earth, for example, over 99.9% of oxygen is O-16, i.e. an isotope with 8 protons and 8 neutrons in the nucleus.
At the same time, but on our planet there are small amounts of O-17 and O-18. Thus, the ratio of O-16 and O-17 in a rock, as in any other material, scientists can study its origin.
If the Aunt just received a portion of the Land and then continued the journey, such as supporting the present theories, then the Moon should be mainly from rocks of this planet.
Therefore, the earthly and the lunar rocks should show a different ratio of isotopes of oxygen.
However, the research of scientists shatter this assumption.
“We have not found any difference in the measurements of isotopes. It was identical,” reports the web site of the university of Edward Yang, head of the group.
On the contrary, the results support the assumption of a frontal collision between the Earth and the Divine, which he had as a result of the merger of the two bodies.
Therefore, the mass of the planet was involved with this Land, with consistency and the Moon to arise from the materials of both bodies.
Scientists don’t have a lot of evidence for the Divine – Yang and his colleagues believe that this “planetary embryo” had a similar size with the Earth, while other astronomers believe that it was on a par with Mars.
Nevertheless, according to Yang, there are signs that indicate that the mass of this planet was increasing. Therefore, if he had “survived” from the conflict, it probably would have become another planet of our solar system.
If confirmed by independent studies, the research scientists will change the “official story” birth and evolution of our planet. You could also revise the reason of the existence of water on Earth.
The reason is that such a massive collision would have wiped out any liquid item from our planet. Therefore, the water will have to had come back from a meteorite which we “visited” a few tens of millions later.