A great deal of attention: These are the foods that you don’t have to mix it up…

Tomato and avocado, oats, and orange, apple and dark chocolate, fish, garlic, yogurt and almonds….
These are some of the most dynamic food duos that you can choose not only for its unique flavor and high nutritional value. But there are some duos that don’t “blend” too well, mainly because the combination of two specific dietary elements leads to the bloating, the sharp increase in the blood sugar or the incomplete absorption of valuable nutrients. See what are the nutritional duets that you should avoid and why.
1. Black tea + milk, black tea are rich in antioxidant substances that act against inflammation. However, the addition of milk to tea, a classic british custom which many love, whether it’s cow’s milk or soy milk, neutralizes the positive effect of antioxidants. Proteins in the milk bind with the antioxidants in the tea and thus not absorbed by the body. At the same time, the caffeine in tea reduces the absorption of calcium from the milk.
2. White bread + jam bread with jam is a traditional breakfast for children and adults. However, the simple carbohydrates in white bread, leading to a sharp rise in blood sugar and the same and the jam because of the sugar it contains. The agency is overstretched to return to normal levels of blood sugar, the pancreas to release large amount of insulin. This fluctuation is accompanied by a sharp rise and fall in energy levels.
3. Salad + dressing fat free If you prefer a salad for lunch or dinner in order to avoid a lot of calories, it is logical to want to combine it with a light sauce without a lot of fat. However, this tactic is a mistake, as the fat facilitate the absorption of nutrients of the vegetables from the body. A simple solution is to add to the salad a little olive oil or a light sauce with yogurt and mustard.
4. Alcoholic beverages + coffee Many choose to drink a cup of coffee in order to offset the drowsiness or the dizziness of the drink, but the boost that gives the coffee covers the surface, the effect of alcohol and so is not perceived the real state of inebriation in which the organisation is located. The same applies when you combine an alcoholic beverage with an energy drink that contains caffeine. The result? A drunk driver who thinks he is able to handle his car.
5. Lentils + red wine red wine contains complex substances called tannins. When the tannins mixed with iron that comes from plant products, such as iron-containing lentils and soybeans, reduce the absorption of the precious metal.
6. Burger + beer, alcoholic beverages should not be combined with a meal rich in fat. Both the alcohol and the fat pass through the liver. The agency gives “priority” to the processing of the alcohol, recognize it as a toxin, something that implies that the fats circulating in the blood, and so are more likely to be stored in adipose tissue. At the same time, the large amount of fat slows the digestive process, so a “heavy” meal is accompanied traditionally by a long swell.