This is the magic word that can make you happy in the moment…

Can the to say…
“thank you,” to make you more happy? A new survey of 2,000 adults indicated that
64% of women express gratitude because it makes
feel good. And it’s a smart move. Scientists discovered that feeling grateful and expressing, reduces stress, increases joy and generally makes people feel more optimistic.
However, the gratitude requires work and attention. People who write things for which they feel gratitude, they have emotional benefits and are good for the health.
Put gratitude in your life. These are the everyday ways that will help you:
Commit to happiness: The incentive to want to be happy, plays the role of.
Break it down: Developed with details, one thing for which you’re happy, even if it’s something small. I definitely benefit more from writing a huge list.
Take it personally: Focus on the people for whom you feel gratitude and not the things. Don’t say only the good things, but think about how your life would be without them
Enjoy the surprises: it reported the events that was unexpected or surprised.