A government proposal for insurance to quartet: Any reduction in primary pensions – Increase in insurance contributions

Filed a little while ago at the Maximos Mansion the proposal of the Insurance Bill…
minister of Labour C. Κατρούγκαλου which as expected excludes any reduction of the main pensions and reduction of the auxiliary, which is down from 170 euro.
As regards the non-reduction of the main pension, which is a “red line” for the ministry of Labour, as a compensation it is proposed to increase by 1% of employer contributions, and by 0.5% of employee contributions.
Government circles state that the prime minister Alexis Tsipras, was updated for the stage of processing of the Insurance bill C. Κατρούγκαλο and that remains stable in the “red” line of the government for the non-reduction of the main pension.
“Our priority is the central trading” report-governmental sources, explaining that now ξεινάει the “chicken-game” with their lenders
After the relevant consultations, the bill to be submitted by mid-January, so on the 20 of the month to become the law of the state.
The members of SYRIZA and Independent Greeks will be asked to approve a really unpopular and burdensome measures. After the Insurance, the farmers and the “red” loans
The approval by the members will allow the completion of the evaluation of the Programme.
The question is what will happen when the lenders-“sadists” begin again the threats and extortion, especially with the closure of the evaluation as this is necessary to finally start the negotiation for debt relief.
A relief is necessary for there to be hope of development in this country, and to enable the country to come out to the markets to borrow. The change of affairs in Portugal and Spain may play a role.