H proposal-fire of lenders! Who will pay the “hike” up to 1,000 euros?

The first meeting of the quartet with the Greek Finance minister, Euclid Thanksgiving had a lot of surprises, as well as the representatives of the lenders…
in a surprise move that no one expected, tabled their own proposals for the tax.
After the first surprise, however, came in the second as both mr Τσακαλώτος and the deputy minister of Finance, mr. Χουλιαράκης have read in the proposals of the lenders that propose cutting in half the tax-free.
And while the Greek proposals for the tax-free stayed unchanged, the quartet called for a reduction almost in half, that is, from the 9550 euro where it is today to fall close to 5,000 euros for wage earners and pensioners.
With this tax-exempt 9.550 euro the tax credit came up to 2.100 euro, while if passed, the proposal from the creditors, then the tax deduction will also be reduced by one-half, i.e. close to eur 1,000. This, in turn, automatically mean an annual hike of around 1,000 euros for all employees and pensioners.
The part of the government, however, seem not to accept this proposal, as well as know how something like that would blow the already βεβαρημένους family budgets.
At the same time, the government in accordance with what has become known, proposes the adoption of new tax rates with most of the scales for the taxation of income for both the employees and the pensioners as well as for freelancers with the objective of burdening those who have an income of over 30,000 euros.
However, the new meeting of the Euclid Τσακαλώτου with the quartet will take place on Saturday, while the Friday the table will fall to the financial sector and the setting for the red loans, while we will follow the meetings to the competitiveness of the economy and the closed professions (14.30) and for the creation of a new institution of Public Revenue (18.00).