7 incredible structures that you can get your own [photos]

Before you clean the warehouse or dispose of all those junk -in the opinion…
your – objects, it would be good to take a look at the following suggestions, that will help if nothing else to make on your own some odd but perfectly usable structures.
We all have old stuff in our house waiting to be thrown out and I don’t know for what reason this process of elimination the us usually creates a great sense of release! However, before you start cleaning your home, then see what you can κέντε with plastic bottles, spoons disposable, pineapple slices and boxes of cans and clothespins!
Even if you are skeptical, be advised that you will receive the best reviews, release that will “ξεχειλίσετε” of pride for the bizarre creations! Why nobody else thought of it until today! Only you…
1. Large plastic water bottles + plastic teaspoons = Design ceiling lamp!

2. Fresh sliced pineapple + cake = Dried decorative flowers.

3. Red lettuce + red = Floral decorations for the walls and cards!

4. Plastic soda bottle + plastic color = Paintings!

5. Plastic spoon + candle = piece of Jewelry for the neck.

6. Wood + funnel + plastic tube = Trough for the birds!

7. Metal tins + wooden pegs = Pot for pots!