Abandonment of small puppies in Agios Dimitrios Ellispontou Kozanis

The Local Youth Council of Ellispontou Kozanis then… from complaints and protests of many residents of the village Agios Dimitrios in the Hellespont, in Kozani, and after communication with us, and after great perseverance, they asked us to publicise the following event, so as to prevent similar situations.
So, please be advised that : for two weeks they’ve been abandoned by strangers thirteen little puppies in the exact same (deliberately?;;) place near the area of the Closed Gym !
Yes, as they told us, those who have moved in this act to complete their work they did in two phases, where the first day was abandoned ten puppies and the next three other.
The residents who discovered them, and both times, they have currently under the care of them, and as reported to us have already informed the Φιλοζωικό Association of Kozani ‘ΑγγίΖωο’, and the next time you will inform the Municipality of Kozani, in order to provide the correct care for them from the Competent Bodies, and in case you find those responsible – irresponsible, which the left, to take the responsibilities and consequences of their actions, as well as the abandonment, the abuse and killing of stray or δεσποζόμενων animals as in this case dogs, are offences and are prosecuted by the Law and the Offenders Punished strictly !
The solution is sterilization and not quitting !
The essence and the point of this notification is not (only) Punishment, but to understand that the healthy mind that has every kind of man is this that makes him stand out and makes him superior to animals and then has to do with the conscience of each of us, because this is what determines how people are and how much humanity we have inside of us, because if you’re a philanthropist, you’re an animal lover.
Similar situations certainly exist in all the villages of the Island and the problems with the dogs grow.
Y.C. : Anyone who is interested to own one of these helpless little puppies who appear in the photos, or help to care for them, as it is too much, and added to the already many pre-existing, please call : 6972835916.