8 things you NEED to know about dreams…

Dreams and their meanings continue to fascinate scientists as well as…
are even today a mystery, not having been able to unravel fully the importance of.
Read 8 things you might not know about dreams:
The roles of the sexes
When it comes to nightmares, men and women are haunted by different thoughts, as they conclude researchers at the University of Montreal. With regard to the men of their nightmares have to do with natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. On the other hand, the interpersonal and the verbal collisions are the main component of the bad dreams of women, who have dreams like that with double the frequency compared to men.
Do you remember your dreams?
Some people remember their dreams almost every morning , while others remember, on average, only 2 times a month. A study in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, found that people who remember more dreams, have more spontaneous activity in a part of the brain called the intersection provisional-parietal, compared with people who rarely remember. The differences were not found only during sleep, but also while study participants were awake. Previous research has shown that people who remember more dreams also react more to sounds during sleep (and when awake) than people who do not remember dreams normally.
Right-handed VS Left-handed
Another factor that affects the way in which “saved” the dreams in our memory is… the good the hand. In a study by 1.375 participants, the people who were right-handed were more likely to remember their dreams than left-handers.
“Virtual” cheating
Whether we like it or not, men are not so loyal when they are asleep. According to research done in 306 adults, most of them dream about some random acquaintance and not necessarily the partner. The good news? He still wakes up next to you!
We dream in real time
Despite the myth that our dreams occur in a fraction of a second, in reality dreams can play out for 20, 30, even 60 minutes. This argues Rubin Νάϊμαν, a clinical psychologist who specializes in holistic medicine sleep and dreams at the University of Arizona.
In accordance with the Νάϊμαν, dreams can begin at the beginning of the night and elongate as the night wears on.
The dreams and the psychology of children
New research conducted showed that children reporting frequent nightmares at the age of 12 years had 3.5 times more chances of psychotic experiences in adolescence.
The team at the University of Warwick, said that a long-term problem with nightmares and night terrors associated with a higher risk of developing mental health problems.
Around 47 in every 1,000 children has some form of psychotic experience. However, this result comes from an analysis can’t tell us if sleep problems preceded of psychotic experiences.
The nightmares are not caused only by fear
The bad dreams are surely scary, but there are other underlying emotions. In a study at the University of Montreal, researchers analyzed the log files of dreams in 331 people and found that many nightmares and bad dreams were caused by feelings of failure, worry, confusion, sadness and guilt.
It is less likely to remember a dream if you woke up… alarm clock
The alarm clock, except that it restores your violent in the world can make you forget your dream, even if it’s the last. The best way to remember our dreams, says the Νάϊμαν, is to allow ourselves to slowly wake up and canoodling. Just don’t try very hard to remember these fleeting images. “If you go after a dream, then it will run away,” he adds.