6 Weird and romantic things that couples do

Each pair definitely has its own communication codes. And it is precisely these common perceptions and temperaments that probably bring two people close…
There are, however, finally some common movements, reactions, etc. about a little to very many, if not all, couples around.
1) Enjoy the silence
No, this is not the love of both the Depeche Mode (though it could). Sometimes, the biggest sign that you fit with someone is if you can share even a moment of absolute silence, saying absolutely nothing.
2) you understand
How good you can feel when you’re in a public place with your partner and can’t understand what you’re saying? Not because you speak slowly, but because you have a completely own way of communication, without even human sounds sometimes. Perfect. Show us how you do it.
3) Have your own cover mix playlist
Do you love to διασκευάζετε especially the one for the other well-known hits, adding a particular theatricality in the course of the execution of the piece.
4) Keep hidden secrets and document
Either to prove that she snores, either for you to accept that actually you talk in your sleep, you take care of both at least once in the course of your relationship to record each other while you sleep.
5) you Have made your own language but gibberish
This happens a lot when one or both of the relationship is γλωσσοπλάστες and express themselves better with words that they invent themselves. In the end, these new words become a trademark of the relationship.
6) Knows how often you go to the “bathroom”?
Yes. The actual familiarity will come when you will say between the two of you up for the intestinal issues. As strange as it might seem to you, know that many couples who have been through their relationship to another level. That’s right, the intestinal.

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