ΠΙΠΙΛΙΑ: That leaves this mark on the neck you…?

A night of “sly” usually leaves marks on the body, signs that many people want to put out for a number of reasons…
This mark on the neck is nothing more than a small bruise that is created by a rule on the delicate skin of the neck. Unfortunately, in this part of the body, each mark on the neck looks very strongly for several days.
The bruises these are caused by the strong sucking or biting of the skin at that point, causing broken capillaries and blood vessels, and pooling blood that turns the skin red or purple.
Whether you want to get rid of such a scar in the neck, because you are ashamed, or because it looks ugly or just because you want to… hide it for your own reasons… there are some simple ways to make it faster:
Cold compress
To leave the mark on the neck, the blood clots need to be broken and blood to spread. This can be done most quickly with the application of a cold compresses in the affected area. Any kind of cold compress will cause a contraction in the broken capillaries and reduce bleeding.
Put a few ice cubes in a paper towel and press lightly over your skin for about 15 minutes, several times a day. Do not apply ice directly to the skin, because it may cause burn of ice.
Put a spoon in the fridge for about 10 minutes. Then, wrap the spoon in a cloth and rub it lightly over the affected area of the skin up to the spoon to warm up. Repeat several times a day until it goes away the scar.
If it’s only been a few hours since… became the sign, the alcohol is just the right ingredient for you. It is a disinfectant, soothing and cooling properties that can help to get rid of the scar on the neck quickly.
Apply some alcohol on the affected area using a piece of cotton.
Gently scrub the area for several minutes. This will help minimize any discomfort.
The rubbing alcohol can dry out your skin, so you must apply some moisturizing lotion to the area after you are done.
Repeat several times a day for one or two days.
Aloe Vera
Aloe is a natural moisturizer, which will help to reduce the sensitivity of the affected area of the skin. Also, the anti-inflammatory and soothing properties will help the capillaries that have broken to heal faster.
Put aloe vera gel on the spot and gently massage two or three times a day.
If you don’t have an aloe plant at home, or pure aloe vera gel, you can use a cream or lotion based on aloe vera and apply it to the affected area 2-3 times a day for two to three days.
Banana peel
The banana peels have soothing and cooling properties that can help to minimize the bruise quickly.
Cut the peel of a ripe banana
Place the inside of the bark up to the mark on your neck for 10 to 30 minutes.
Repeat two or three times a day to reduce the appearance of bruise.

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