Zeta Makripoulia and Michalis Hatzigiannis together at night out

A lot of people thought about reconnecting, but they just found themselves in the same place that night. They may have decided a few years ago to put end titles in their relationship but that does not mean that Zeta Makripulia and Michalis Hatzigiannis have negative feelings for each other. It appeared a few nights ago when they were in the same store with different groups. Michalis Hatzigiannis was a guest of Nikos Vertis, while at the same store Elizabeth Konstantinidou celebrated her birthday and from there could not miss her best friend Zeta Makripulia. When Makripoulia and Hatzigiannis realized each other’s presence, they reacted with great joy. The singer approached his former companion to greet her and she immediately rushed to embrace him, and some very tender snapshots among them, brought to light by OK magazine! According to Nikos Georgiades’ report, the tables that the two groups sat on were quite close, and this resulted at some point, during the evening, in the two groups joining together. Zeta Makripulia and Michael Hatzigiannis were a couple from 2010 until 2021 when they decided to take separate roads. However, they maintain an excellent relationship.