You’ll be surprised! Have you ever wondered why the Christians of Syria are not coming in as refugees?

Syria is a base state with muslim populations, but…
it has a large christian community 1.200.000 believers, of which 800.000 are Greek orthodox.
In fact, there are in the country purely christian villages, in which spoken aramaic, the language which spoke of Christ and his disciples. When the government-Assad controlled the whole country, the christians enjoyed all the rights, since according to the Constitution of the country, “the religious self-identification is allowed up to a point that doesn’t cause problems in the unity of the state”. As anyone can understand, 1.200.000 christians of Syria runs MORTAL DANGER from the spread of the islamic ISIS, and has more of a reason than the rest to flee the country. However, we don’t see coming as refugees to Greece and Europe, christians from Syria!
And we who know?
But if they were christians among the uninvited, the MEDIA of the red oligarchs of wealth –who toil day and night to make us like her “refugees”- would take care of their display constantly. Even though it’s been a few… Here they show us constantly the women and children, who make up only 20% of incoming uninvited, I don’t showed us the christians? Who, then, have ruled out the christians of Syria from the caravans of the great exodus to Europe? Did the bosses of the New Order of Things, that their only concern is to fill up with muslims in Greece and Europe, for the known reasons?

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