You can’t lose weight? 4 foods you must eliminate from your diet

Most dieticians claim that to prohibit specific foods from our diet can bring the opposite results as the…
don’t eat something that we really want leads to excessive consumption of other foods. However, there are some foods that you really need to eliminate from the diet if you want to lose weight.
And these are…
1. Any snack containing carbohydrates
When you eat crackers, cereal, bread or rice, your body converts carbohydrates to sugar which goes straight into the blood. The body reacts by producing more insulin and so the body schott absorb the sugar immediately. The problem with that? You end up with low blood sugar and feeling of hunger. Stay away from them.
2. Frozen meals
To have a longer expiration date the food you put in the freezer the manufacturers add large amounts of sodium. Sodium contributes to fluid retention by your body and so what weight and to lose you’ll feel and you’ll always be bloated. Preferred meals with fresh ingredients.
3. “Diet” Foods
Researchers have found that people eat 30% more food when they know it is light. The problem with these foods is that the companies remove the fat from food, and this decreases the taste. To replace add larger amounts of sugar so you end up with the most wrong choice for your diet.
4. Juices
A glass of orange juice needs a lot of oranges. When you consume juices of this trade consume all the calories from the oranges without the fiber covering the feeling of hunger. For even 100% natural juices are just empty calories with more sugar for the body.