You can’t imagine what he found young at the home in Paphos – See photo

A cyprus…
scorpion found to the surprise of the young lady from Paphos, and feeling strange and curious published the photo that took the internet by asking to know exactly what it is.
Immediately several friends and acquaintances have commented on the photo and reported that this is the cyprus scorpion who only see it your creates feelings of fear.

Scientifically it is worth mentioning that it is native and endemic scorpion of Cyprus, who called Mesobuthus Cyprius belongs to the family of Buthidae and the broader species of Mesobuthus Since anatolicus.
The distinction from the latter species took place in 2000, after DNA analysis, and in particular by means of molecular phylogenetic, and since then has received a special designation by the scientific community.
The scorpion he has blonde-chestnut color, which can be seen as a red, especially if observed from a distance. The size ranges from 3 to 19 cm long, has four pairs of legs, a long tail with six nodes, where the last one ends in a curved stinger that exude poison. The two powerful claws are in the front part of arms. It also has two little eyes and other 3-5 smaller
To mention that this scorpion was found in a house in Tala.

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