You can’t imagine… What are those 2 lines on the back side of the iPhone? [photos]

Admittedly, the iPhone is one of the most stylish, subtle and thoughtful electronic devices that are out there…
When it launched the iPhone 6, these plastic lines that were in the back of the phone have been met with scepticism and rather negative comments. What was this plastic “interference” in such a sophisticated design?
It’s antennas! In the older models of iPhones these antennas were hidden inside the devices, but the metal body of the iPhone 6, the phone signal could not radiate out from the device, so designed these plastic lines.

It is assumed that these antennas were designed for the “extension” and strengthening the phone signal, after complaints from consumers/owners of older iPhones for problems in the quality of the signal.

If you continue to not like the specific lines we have good news: the iPhone 7 in all likelihood the lines will be replaced by metal which allows the signals to pass, while at the same time retaining the sturdiness.

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