You almost got me “kicked” kicked out whisked him Burnt by the Kos…

In odyssey developed the journey of Panos Kammenos on the island of Kos, as well as dozens of residents at various points…
of the island took to the streets to protest the refugee problem. As confirms the ministry of Defence, the helicopter-type Chinook that was carrying the minister of Defence on the island, I managed to land initially at a predetermined point, as when it was perceived by the demonstrators, started episodes, with the police officers to make limited use of chemicals and tear gas to drive them away. The atmosphere became in just a few seconds of searing, and for safety reasons, the pilot made a turn to the island of Leros…
The sequel has two versions. According to the ministry of Defence, when the spirits calmed down, the helicopter returned to the spot, landed, but before it goes to Panos Kammenos, he stood up and again towards the island of Leros. Circles of the ministry stated that mr. Glowing I stayed in Kos, because it has reviewed the hot spot from inside the helicopter.
In the official communication of the ministry, no reference is made in the incident, and stressed: “The Minister of National Defence Panos Kammenos, Deputy Minister Dimitris Vitsa, the Chief of HNDGS Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, the Chief of HAGS Lieutenant general Vasileios Τελλίδης and the Coordinator of the Central Institution Management of Immigration Major-general Constantin Floros, accompanied by representatives of the European Union and the united nations High Commissioner visited the island of Kos, where they inspected the places in which it is going to be the Reception Center for Immigrants. Then visit the island of Leros, Samos, Chios and Lesvos
Blocking in Kos – In the fields has landed the Glowing
According to another version, the one eyewitness, the helicopter made three unsuccessful attempts to land and then left for the island of Leros. The, says that the space behind the Lidl, wait for the Panos kammenos, even mr Καματερός. There – as mentioned – they all saw with astonishment the helicopter Burnt to make 3 turns over the space and goes to the Cavalry Group, but where there either was not able to land, with the result that he left for Leros, at midday, was found in Samos and lunched in the Officers ‘ Club…
The atmosphere in Kos smelled of gunpowder early on. Police forces blocked the access to the property of Nikos Κανταρζή, which was proposed for hot spot on the island of Kos, in anticipation of the arrival of Panos Kammenos.
Residents of the area are to the point, while the police van and a car in the army blockaded the road leading to the property.
At the same time in the Λινοπότι were focused citizens after they had been informed that the minister was going from there, something that ultimately proved false, with the result that several of them if redirected to the property Κανταρζή…
All this almost six months after the eventful visit of mr. Kammenos on the island of Kos, when he was attacked by a group of demonstrators waiting for him at the town hall. Then the lord Glowing had been forced to speed up to get away from the angry crowd which pelted by eggs up bottles…