With splendor of the Theophany and blessing of water in Chania

With brilliance celebrated in Chania, the Lights with the believers to swarm all over the venetian harbour to watch the diving of the cross, and the daring swimmers, ally with the good weather, to defy the otherwise cold waters and to dive into the sea to catch the cross.
One of the swimmers was, and expat from Canada that was hosted in Chania, and he didn’t hesitate to dive
Dozens of boats with believers that were at the port and in the land zone of the port had gathered, a crowd of believers
Earlier in the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Virgin mary τελέστη holy mass and then procession arrived at the venetian harbour for the blessing of the water with the diving of the cross by the Bishop of Kydonia, Apokoronas, Damask.
On the occasion of the celebration of Lights, the mp of Chania on the GREEK, Valia Βαγιωνάκη agreed with the blessing of his eminence to give enlightenment to the rulers as well as as a country we have in front of us, it’s still hard issues and decisions, as he said. Enlightenment to the rulers wished, and the vice governor of Chania, Apostolos Βουλγαράκης, while the mayor of Chania, wished as much as easy it was this year consecrated waters, so easy to be the “waters” of our country.


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