Why some people are they always so late to their appointments -The scientific explanation

You try to put an end to the delay? The following studies will make you reconsider as well, those of you who are perpetually late, you’re…
endlessly optimistic.
As strange as it sounds, the delay “circulate” in the DNA of some people, as they have a special relationship with time, which I don’t have all the rest.
“Most people who are late, they do it all their lives and most of their activities. In fact, studies show that a certain part of the brain is associated with the concept of time and the formality or non of the time”, reveals a researcher from the University of Mandanao.
So, all of those who believe to the late rude and without manners, then you have to think that it is not-essentially it’s their choice, but due to neurological issues.
In fact, if there is a common time used by all the people, the so-called GMT (Greenwich Meantime), the perpetually late people belong and scientifically in the zone NOT (Never On Time),where the average is 45 minutes behind GMT.
A second study at the University of San Diego, supports that there are two types of people, the B and A. People of type A is usually accurate, because they have the “stroke – built-in” clock calculates that a minute lasts 58 seconds. For the late visitors, to the type B, it is calculated that a minute lasts 77 seconds. Yes, people of type B are on a permanent basis, less stressed, relaxed, enjoy life more and are endlessly optimistic.
If, then, every time you are late you blame yourself for that, think that at least you are more ambitious and optimistic people.

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