Why sea water is salty?

The sea water contains salt and is salty to the taste…
For the accuracy in addition to the familiar sodium chloride, which is one of the most, contains a number of other salts, all of which have been transferred in the sea through a process known as “water cycle”.
The water of the Earth evaporates, it rises into the sky where through the process of condensation forms clouds which become rain, and the water ends up back on land or in the sea. The rain water that falls on land, through the soil ends up in rivers, lakes and underground deposits. The rivers leading to the sea carrying along with the water and salts present in the soil.
This process is repeated again and again with the result that the sea to accumulate salts, after the water evaporates it leaves the salts behind. Of course, the salinity of the water also depends on other factors. The water penetrates into the seafloor through cracks, overheating and returns to the surface, carrying dissolved minerals. The hydrothermal vents -some of which create geysers in the depths of the sea cast in the sea the chemical mixture.
But why is the water in the pool is sweet?
Reasonable is the question as the “water cycle” applies in exactly the same way and for the lakes. The answer has to fart the age of lakes and seas. That is, the sea, with the age of a few billion years, is older than the lakes that are millions of years old the oldest. So the seas have been deposited with the passage of years much more salts. But and the lakes σθγά slowly filled salts with the result that in a few billion years to make and these αρμυρές!

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