Why Obama won’T go to the funeral of Mohammed Ali?

Barack Obama informed that I will be attending the funeral.
of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali according to the White House. The wife of Ali, Lonnie spoke on the phone with the American president and thanked him for his kind words and condolences, said the representative of the family Bob Γκάνελ.
But why Barack Obama will not attend the funeral of its most famous boxer of all time? Reasons of force majeure. The great daughter of the Obama’s, Malia graduates, and the presidential pair will be in the graduation ceremony as proud parents, in Washington.
However, Barack Obama will be present through a letter that will be read during the ceremony. The eulogy will be delivered by the former president of the united states Blue Clinton, while he will attend the Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan, as has informed. The coffin will pass on to the last residence of the famous actor Will Smith, who was incarnate in the biopic, and the former heavyweight champion of the world boxing Lennox Lewis.