Why is the reshuffle – Billiards with a LIFT and disgruntled

Back goes the reshuffle, which was expected on Friday morning, after…
marked pile-ups in the sharing of ministries, according to exclusive information of iefimerida.
According to the latest reliable information at the disposal of the iefimerida.gr, the communication of the names that will constitute the new government scheme is delayed because of marked billiards with the party of the coalition, the independent greeks, but also with the malcontents of SYRIZA. It is recalled that the president of independent greeks is outside of Greece and in particular is in Indonesia, from where he will return tomorrow.
The information state that the podium from which will be announced the new cabinet has already been set up in the House, but the announcements are delayed. In fact, at this time there is no mobility at the Maximos Mansion with the information to indicate that the prime minister’s close associates are trying to fill in the crossword puzzle of the reformation.
The vice-president of the government Yannis Δραγασάκης is the one of the people of Alexis Tsipras who has started a series of phone calls to persons who will enter the next government, as well as those that will be moved. In fact some of the past expressed their dissatisfaction with the decision of the prime minister to change their portfolio.
As well, the announcement of a cabinet reshuffle may be in the late afternoon or evening.
The information on the persons – The Τζανακόπουλος government spokesman
In accordance with information of iefimerida, four names are locked, in accordance with information, which remains to be reflected in reality. This is for them:
Deputy minister responsible for issues of Administrative Reform, Christopher Vernardaki, which moves from the Interior to the Maximos Mansion and takes over minister of State.
Nikos Pappas, minister of State assumes the newly-created department of Digital Policy, with responsibilities in media (ESR, tv licenses, etc.)
The ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction (in place of Vernardaki) moves the Olga Γεροβασίλη.
A government representative will take one of the closest associates of Alexis Tsipras, the director of the Office of the Prime minister’s Dimitris Τζανακόπουλος.
These are latest information from the environment of the Building Process.
What are the exit door and who they are firm
As everything points to the exit door of the ministries of the βρίκσονται the Panos Skourletis, Thodoris dritsas were acquired, Dimitris Μάρδας, Theodora Tzakri, Markos Μπόλαρης, Vangelis Apostolou, Aristides Baltas.
As first had written the iefimerida remain in the government in the position of vice-president of the government Yannis Δραγασάκης as well as the minister of State Alekos Φλαμπουράρης. Firm and mr Euclides Τσακαλώτος and George Χουλιαράκης, as well as the minister of foreign affairs Nikos Kotzias, minister for Migration Policy John Μουζάλας as well as the minister of Health Andreas Blonde.