When it “closes” the voice us

Most adults suffer from the neck two or three times a year, sometimes “losing” their voice and sometimes… feeling something to the “tickling” or “closes” the neck – not to mention the pain that often makes it painful even to drink a hot cup of tea.
Why βραχνιάζουμε or talking with a deep voice when κρυολογούμε it? Cause is swelling of many parts of the upper respiratory tract that causes colds, including the vocal chords and tissues under these.
Although the swelling does not cause loss of voice, the disorder is technically laryngitis, meaning inflammation of the larynx, with swelling of the vocal cords.
In the most severe cases, when the edema is very intense, the voice becomes a whisper, because it doesn’t pulsate anymore, the vocal chords. The whispering, however, exacerbates the swelling, and doctors recommend to not talk at all when we have laryngitis.
The laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx, the narrow “tube” in your neck, where are located the vocal cords. When you experience inflammation of the vocal chords, the voice βραχνιάζει and can reach the point of being a whisper that was barely heard.
The most common causes of laryngitis are: flu viruses or colds and other viral or bacterial infections,bronchitis and pneumonia,allergies and injuries of the larynx.
And, of course, in the winter, children are more exposed. This occurs as the larynx of children is much more narrow than that of adults, and there is an increased risk to “closed” at some time, particularly at night, hindering the breathing of the child.
This is the reason that pediatricians recommend to parents to inform them, if they realize that βραχνιάζει the voice of their child.