“When I came out of the Greek Idol, the drink was my water, I showed up on stage drunk”!

In a shocking confession about his relationship with alcohol has progressed, the former contestant in the music show…”This thing with the publicity wrecked me”!
In a shocking confession about his relationship with alcohol, after the period of the Greek Idol, progressed Mars Πλασκασοβίτης, the microphone of the show Make me a latte to say it.
“I went through a phase of my life that I was drinking too much, I made a mischief a lot. Mainly for the drink. When I came out of the Greek Idol, because it scared me all of this and… we’re all searching for a way out. I instead of doing gymnastics, was the water of my drink. The thing with publicity is tearing me up. I went out on stage drunk”, she confesses Mars Πλασκασοβίτης.

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