What to expect during and after endodontic treatment (a root canal). Possible events

Writes George Κουτσικάκης Surgeon Dentist M.Sc.
The root canal treatment, as a basis, it aims to heal a… inflammation of the tooth (pulpitis), or the area surrounding the tip of the tooth root. The necessity of the treatment is independent of whether there is pain or not, because eg. a more serious damage to the tooth, the necrosis, is essentially painless. The aim is to maintain the tooth in the mouth to health and function.

It is a painless operation because the dentist will seek to achieve deep anesthesia with all the methods that he knows. In case of severe inflammation may need even ενδοπολφική anesthesia in order to feel completely comfortable.

The process involves manipulations with μικροεργαλεία and διακλυσμούς on the inside of the tooth.
The exact length of the tooth, as the length of labour, the matters the dentist with x-rays.

However, both the εκπόλφωση, and manipulations may irritate the apex causing περιριζίτιδα, a temporary painful damage mainly to the bite. In that case, a dentist will recommend the appropriate pain meds until the damage has already passed, which will happen in a few days. In some cases, may remove the temporary filling, if the treatment has not been completed, and to facilitate the liquid that has accumulated to παροχετευθεί so that the περιριζίτιδα to pass earlier.

In the case of painful tooth due to acute inflammation of the root apex, the dentist will provide the first-aid, postponing the continuation of treatment for the next session in order to relieve you from the pain and to prevent the worst.
Sometimes during the treatment of a dead tooth with ακρορριζική damage the germs that were in hypnosis is revived. You will feel then the area to ‘pulsing’. In this case your dentist will recommend you the appropriate antibiotics and will continue treatment.
The root canal treatment can be completed in one or more visits depending on the case. The agency will restore gradually the lesions and this is why the first few days may feel ‘a little’.
The every endodontically treated tooth, because it has lost its juices, is friable. So in the shortest period of time needs to be restored with a filling, reconstitution, or hoop. The dentist will make the best case solution.

Until then avoid chewing of hard foods.
After you have finished the treatment you must visit at regular intervals, the dentist will set the practice for monitoring. E.x. in the case of ακρορριζικής damage will be checked with x-ray the path of healing. While other times it may be appropriate to supplement the treatment with ακρορριζεκτομή.

In conclusion, to mention that none of the above can happen and everything to be comfortable and pleasant. But if any of these arise, now that you’re informed, you should feel safe and optimistic after you acknowledge the usefulness of the effort for the preservation of your teeth .
George Κουτσικάκης, Surgeon Dentist M.Sc.

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