What to do with your money… if you suddenly become filthy rich

“Forget the expensive clothes and luxury cars”. The majority of Americans now have more…
modest plans and dreams, in case you manage to get into the club of millionaires!
“If you would hold them to their word, in case they become millionaires in one night, that’s another matter,” comments features the agency CNBC, in the new article, which focuses on who will invest the money of a new millionaire!
Nearly nine in 10 Americans say that if all of a sudden “turn of luck” and win millions, or will save, either would take serious investment. This emerges from the latest study by the TD Ameritrade, which was carried out on a sample of 1,000 individuals.
In particular, as is apparent from the findings of the research, 86% of participants are in favour of saving or investing at least half of the amount that would come suddenly on their hands.
“This is a clear indication that there is a change in the culture”, says Susan Bradley, a well-known economic consultant, and founder of the Sudden Money Institute in Florida.
In more detail, based on the findings of the study of TD Ameritrade, this is what will make their fortune from the… budding millionaires:
Saving or investing: 86% of participants
– Charity: The 33% of the participants
– Travel/vacation: The 28% of the participants
– Acquisition of property: 23% of the participants
– Useful shopping for parents/grandparents: 23% of the participants
– Useful shopping for the children: 17% of the participants
– Buying a car: 8% of The participants
“It is a positive surprise for the fact that now more and more people know better – in relation to a couple of years ago – what would they do if all of a sudden became rich,” comments David Lynch, general manager of TD Ameritrade.

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