What should we reduce when we’re on a diet? The fat or the carbs?

In an effort to lose the extra pounds, many times we fall into the trap of “lost in translation” of the various proposals for slimming…
circulating. We strive to find the “perfect diet”, the one with which we lose the more pounds.
But what is that diet which you will lose more easily those pounds? The diets are divided in general into two categories: reduced fat and reduced carbohydrates.
In research published in the scientific journal Cell Metabolism, scientists found that -in contrast to common belief – the restriction of fat in the diet can lead to greater loss of body fat compared with a diet that is low in carbohydrates.
This conclusion is confirmed, in spite of the fact that a low carbohydrate diet reduces insulin levels and increases fat burning.
For the purposes of this research, the researchers examined the cases of 19 obese adults who followed two different nutritional models for a duration of two weeks each time. During these two periods, the food intake was watched closely and was controlled constantly by scientists.
At the end of two different periods diet, it was found that the loss of body fat was greater when the participants followed the diet low-fat compared with the diet that was low in carbohydrates, even if with low carbohydrate diet the body burns more fat.
The head of research, dr. Kevin Hall, from the american Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, argues that this study shows that there are indeed differences between the diet with reduced fat and that carbohydrate reduced under controlled conditions. This is in contrast with the widespread belief that all calories are equal, with regard to the loss of body fat.
However, the scientists point out that because this research was a small area, you need to be additional investigations to verify the results.