What is this weird… thing on the Earth? [video]

The British researcher Stephen Hannard ADG has submitted to the publicity this image has been released by the Planetarium of Brasilia recently, and it shows…
an object or at least one of enormous proportions, in the shape of a disk that appears above the Earth’s atmosphere.
It is estimated that the disc has a diameter of about 3,000 miles (about 5,000 kilometers), and photographed by the astronauts on the International Space Station.

“If you look at the bottom left of the picture – said Stephen Hannard-you can see a formation of clouds that passes over the top of the anomaly. This indicates that the object is not a view of the Earth. I have no idea what is this object, I can only speculate at this point. I contacted the Planetarium for further clarification regarding the presentation, but we will post an update, for a more detailed answer. “
Obviously, looking at these photos, we have a question: this anomaly may be the result of HAARP for? Or is it a magnetic anomaly on the planet? We expect answers from the observatory and from the investigator Stephen Hannard.