What is the origin of Easter, chocolate, rabbit?

It is well known that the Easter traditions were born from a mixture of many different beliefs and…
traditions from different cultures. The Easter bunny is certainly one of the most well-known easter, the origin of this tradition is unknown.
Both the egg and rabbits and hares are fertility symbols from ancient times. The advent of spring and the rebirth of nature after a long hard winter on livestock and agricultural communities is marked by the birth (easter egg).
The influx of immigrants brought to the United States many traditions from the native lands of the immigrants(the christmas tree was one of them).From stories of Dutch immigrants come and the easter bunny (Osterhase), or “Πάσχαλινος rabbit.” (Sinterklaas). in comparison with christmas, the easter bunny visited during the night and leaves the gifts of Easter and easter eggs to the children Until today, some children leave a carrot for the easter bunny.
In Australia, the introduction of the rabbit – non-native species nearly resulted in an ecological disaster for the flora of the region.The Australians have been trying to replace the easter bunny with an indigenous species, known as the marsupial Bilby.
Another story attributes the easter bunny to “ancient” pagan legend. According to this “myth”, the Hearth goddess found a wounded bird in a snowy forest one winter. To help survive the cold turned it into a rabbit but the transformation was incomplete, because the rabbit continued to lay eggs. to thank the goddess that saved the transformed rabbit gave each spring decorated eggs in θεάο eostre. Curious, there are no references to this legend before 1900, so it is doubtful that this represents any kind of history of the ancient tradition.

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