What is the meaning of life?

Writes Constantine Χατζηκώστας, Gastroenterologist, doctor of medicine, university of Crete
The meaning of life, is that there is, says Richard Dawkins…
Life is a statistical improbability on a colossal scale, said Carl Sagan.
The universe is big. Very large. Unimaginable big.
But, where is everybody, he wondered, the nobel prize winner Wolfgang Pauling is?
You should be overwhelmed by alien signals. Oddly, we can’t find a single one.
To what he thinks of Stephen Hawking.
I don’t dare to say clearly. People don’t ‘can’ hear. Says -however – to those who read behind the lines. The shout from the rooftops. We are not alone. There is no intelligent being out there. The existence of life -let alone conscious life – it requires unimaginable contracts. In a ασύνορο universe, surely somewhere there is life -every now and then. The whole thing, though, is the self-consciousness.
Take the Earth. Into unique inconceivably narrow region where water can exist in liquid form. It has exactly the mass you need. It has exactly the slope we need. Has a satellite with a mass, exactly as it should. Has a sun with a mass, exactly as it should. It is a tremendously lucky planet. When you live on a miracle, not impressed the miracle.
A myriad of things that could go wrong. And yet, in a devilish way, it all worked like a clock. The self-awareness does not occur in a deterministic manner through evolution. Dinosaurs lived hundreds of millions of years without gaining consciousness. I just happened to fall a meteorite that was mass exactly as it should – ideal – exactly when it should – now.
The self-awareness is a Singularity, far more unimaginable than this, the existence of life. From this point of view, the universe seems to be created in order to exist We.
And to exist We need a myriad of stars with απροσμέτρητους planets. In order to develop all the possible stories. In all possible physical conditions.
Albert Einstein proved that there’s this little something we call ‘time’. Time is simply the medium through which our senses inform us of the increase of entropy (disorder) of the environment in our area. The universe -the truth – I don’t understand what we mean when we talk about the time. The words, ‘beginning’, ‘end’, ‘then’, it means absolutely nothing.
What he wants to tell us the Hawking, is that after creation it seems to be a prerequisite, and the time, a utilitarian tool, the Man may not be a result. The Man is the First Cause. The meaning of life is how We built it. In order to Exist.
That’s why the math and the physics to explain the unexplained. That’s why a simple formula such as E = mc2 explains so much. That is why the equation of the nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger was not based on any pre-existing knowledge -it’s just, I was born in the mind.
And since time is of the fiction, this can only mean that…
(Oh, yeah… But isn’t it wonderful?)
(The nobel prize winner Richard Feynman said: What’s next? I don’t know. It doesn’t bother me, though, that I don’t know. It doesn’t scare me. When asked if there is a God, she replied that she doesn’t believe in God. Then pushed him: Tell us, what is your name, deep in the guts? What did the character tell you? My dear, I’m trying not to think with my guts).
(This and only this I ask of you. You’re not thinking with your gut).