What famous women started their careers as escorts of luxury?

Famous ladies who have acted and are acting even in show business began or continued their career after they gave their bodies, selling their charm too expensive?
Information saw the light of publicity seems to want shiny names such as Marilyn Monroe, Veronica Lake, Sophia Loren and Catherine Zeta-Jones and Salma Hayek to be paid for their services.
More specifically, the Marilyn Monroe is said to κοστολογούσε the date of the $ 500, always with multinationals and directors of Hollywood, while many are the rumors that has come back and the porn movie.
Another lady, Kim Novak, in the mid-60’s had συληφθεί in Chicago for prostitution. The list is added the name of Veronica Lake. This started as an actor in cinema, he made a turn in her career and became a hooker in New York. And Sophia Loren, based in Rome, and “code name” Sofia Villani Τσικολόν. On the other side with the aroma of Mexico, the well-known Raquel Welch, Raquel Ταξέντα, participated in porn films, as revealed by the family, which, however, were removed and ultimately destroyed by the movie studio.
Of the 17 in the game and Joan Collins, with a rich δρασηριότητα in Hollywood that the “highlighted” in the middle of the δεκαείας 80’s through the television’s “Dynasty”. Still, the name of the Sharon Stone is the one that stands κοστολογούμενο at 1000 dollars an hour! But Catherine Zeta-Jones brought the profession mostly in Las Vegas. The revelations about this, in fact, have been done by her own husband, Michael Douglas.
Last name on the list, but not least is that of Salma Hayek where the information they want to accompany her client on the very day she met her husband!

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