What did Hillary Clinton a few hours after the defeat of Donald Trump

A few hours after the admission of the defeat of Donald Trump in the us presidential election, Hillary Clinton wanted to…
removed from the limelight and everything that had to do with the election campaign, voters, elections.
Knowing that everyone would seek to photograph the candidate of the Democratic a few hours after the election, Hillary Clinton chose the forest in the area Chappaqua, New York, to make a walk and to relax after a long and grueling campaign that had the desired effect, with only the company of her husband, Bill and their dogs.
There, he met accidentally a young woman, Margot Gerster, who had been hiking with her 13-month-old daughter and her dog. Margot Gerster walks daily in the particular path in the woods and the surprise when he met almost the first woman President of the united states was great.
Hillary Clinton, with courtesy and a smile was even photographed with her, while she seemed in a good mood, despite the fact that he had just been defeated by Donald Trump.