What cause the high heels of the feet and nails

High heels have been linked to a series of problems in the legs and not only…
Data from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) show that one in six adults is experiencing problems in his feet because of inappropriate shoes.
Women have even been εννεαπλάσιες likely than men to suffer because of the shoes, with eight out of ten admit that their shoes the hurt.
Studies have linked high heels with pain in the heel and ankles, which afflict almost six in ten women.
They can also change the shape of the muscles and tendons in the calves, causing them to shorten, which reaches eventually to the point of making it impossible for walking with flat shoes or without shoes.
Other research has shown that women who dance with high-heeled shoes are at an increased risk of plantar απονευρωσίτιδας, which is an extremely painful inflammation on the sole.
Other studies have linked high heels with osteoarthritis of the knee, which is due to the pressure in the inner part of the articulation of the knee, while the high heels also change your posture, putting extra pressure on the middle.
How they affect the nails
In addition to the feet, however, the high-heeled shoes pose a problem and the nails, are one of the most common causes of είσφρυσης of the nail.
The you is the growth of the nail through the “meat” and is manifested especially when the big toes are pressed forward. This situation usually only causes pain, but often the nail becomes infected and if there is no timely treatment can lead to the removal of the entire nail.
The biggest problem they create on the nails very pointy and narrow high-heeled shoes, combined with the tight pantyhose.
The cutting of the nail in a straight line, and not with rounded edges, may reduce the risk of εισφρύσεως of the nail.
When the nails have already started to εισφρύουν, soaking the foot in warm water with soap, carefully drying, and applying a mild antiseptic can prevent infection.