We can predict the death of us?

New experiments by scientists in fruit flies have uncovered a new phase of life heralds, essentially the approach of death…
Scientists call it the “spiral of death” and suspect that this phase is experiencing it and the man, a fact that can lead to prediction of death.
25 years ago the biologists argue that there are two phases of life. One is childhood and the other adulthood, as indeed is obvious. The first phase is characterized by rapid growth and the second phase of sexual maturation. In both stages, the probability of death is low, especially when the man has children and is in his prime. However, as we grow older and time passes, time leaves its marks on us and increasing the likelihood of death.
In the early 1990’s researchers discovered that there was something more than the more obvious line of reasoning, and so they adopted and a third last stage of life. At this stage the mortality rates do not show an increasing trend as the second stage. For example, a 60 has more chances of death from a 50-year-old. But a man of 90 years has the same rates with one that goes to 100.
Why this happens is a great debate within the scientific community has not yet given clear answers. However, two scientists tried to seek answers with experiments carried out on fruit flies and the findings are interesting.
Scientists have discovered that a few days before the death of the fertility rates fell sharply in flies that have died, regardless of their age, discovering essentially a fourth stage of life called “spiral th death”. The same decline was also observed in male and female flies during the last two weeks before death.
After that, the scientists managed on the basis of the fertility to predict with accuracy at a rate of 80% of the time of death of the flies, no matter what age he was, using the “death spiral”.
“We got 2.828 female flies , and we placed each one separately in a vial with two males,” says Mueller, one of the scientists. “Every day that moved each female to a new vial and counted how many eggs they had left. And we continued to do that until were all dead.” The flies usually have a lifespan of several weeks. “This was a huge experiment,” says Mueller.
Of course, scientists have not come up on why there is this strong connection of death and fertility, nor, of course, if this connection is real and the human, without excluding, of course, nothing. Even the “death spiral” is the object of research. You’re saying, but in a few years we can predict the death of us?

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