Walking & heart disease: how much time you will reduce the risk of

Walking is an ideal form of exercise and can effectively reduce the risk of developing heart disease, such as…
confirming the results of a new american study.
In the context of the study, Dr. Pamela Stewart Eat, professor in the School of Nursing Decker of the University of Binghamton, New York and her colleagues chose 70 women from the State of New York, which lived in peri-urban areas.
They asked the volunteers to do “brisk” walking for at least 150 minutes a week, for a total of 10 weeks. The women were from 29 to 79 years, with an average age of 55 years of life.
At the beginning of the study, scientists calculated the risk of a heart attack every woman for the next ten years. In the five weeks of the study, the participants consulted to increase the number of steps they did.
At the end of the study, the researchers evaluated weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels of women. All the indicators had improved, which means the experts that walking may actually help reduce the risk of heart disease, and even in a short period of time.
“It is well known that walking is an excellent form of exercise, but until today the views were unclear as to how effective it can be an organized program of gait in biomarkers, such as cholesterol, blood pressure and body weight,” explains Eat, and adds: “Because such studies are usually done in peri-urban and rural areas will have to see how we can have similar results and in an urban environment. Also, we should consider how we can mobilize people to get involved in such simple forms of exercise for longer periods of time”.
The study was published in the journal Creative Nursing.