VLC Media Player: 15th anniversary for the highly popular player

The VideoLAN celebrates 15 years of δημοφιλέστατου VLC Media Player, despite the fact that the open-source project was started almost 5 years earlier (1996) as Network 2000 and the first entry code of VideoLAN Client had been in 1999.
The project was started by students of École Centrale Paris, with a view to streamάρουν videos of satellite dishes in the network of the University, however, has evolved with the assistance of developers from around the world in the non-profit organization VideoLAN.
Either way, the VideoLAN chose to celebrate as an anniversary of 1 February 2001 because it then allowed the use of the VLC Media Player out of the University. Since then there have been about 70,000 additions of 700 developers in the code of the player, and has been download more than 2 billion times by hundreds of million. users worldwide on various platforms (Windows, OS X, GNU/Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BeOS, Android TV, Apple TV, Tizen, Chrome OS, Solaris, OS/2).

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