‘ In the Go package ransoming people from big life issues” points out, in everything, the . A full-length interview was given by Vicky Hatzivassiliou, Friday morning, when she met Helen Tsolaki on the set of the Morning Sue and referred, among other things, to her television absence. “To Go Package ransoming people from big life issues. TV has changed now, it has become frightening, there is toxicity. And that’s why I’m off TV this long. I feel that I am no longer compatible with all that is happening on Greek television,” initially admitted Vicky Hatzivassiliou. “Everyone asks me why the Go Package stopped. It was a show that held them, it gave them feeling, which at the moment there is not a show to do this,” even the beautiful presenter in the OPEN mangasino.
Vicky Hatzivassiliou: I don’t feel compatible with what’s happening on Greek television.
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