Vicky Gerothodorou: Notis Sfakianakis is the greatest folk artist of his generation

Vicky Gerothodorou was hosted on the show of Action24 “Best Late” with . The well-known songwriter spoke about her course in music, him, and her love songs, many of which are written about “Pastelle”, her dog! At first Vicky Gerothodorou told “Best Late” with Athenian Nega that “inspiration comes from God, it is a gift… For me Notis Sfakianakis is the greatest folk artist of his generation. His repertoire, his voice I like very much. A personality that says it. He may say more, but he better. I like people who express themselves freely.” Then Vicky Gerothodorou revealed about the source of inspiration, her dog: “I have written hits with him. People may get upset, many songs that look erotic are written about Pastel.”