Varoufakis and Die Linke in favour of the creation of a progressive european movement

Just before the elections for the Senate of the German capital, Yanis Varoufakis, the co-chair of the Left (Die Linke) Katya Κίπινγκ and the head of the…
list of this party in Berlin, Klaus Λέντερερ were in favour of the creation of a progressive european movement against the Right, and a new hopeful left-wing perspective.
Theme of the panel discussion, which took place yesterday in Berlin, was searching for outlets from the multi-faceted crisis of Europe and the quest of alternative against the policy of strict austerity, social exclusion and economic inequalities.
Yanis Varoufakis called the Left section. Referring to the early 30’s, recalled that then it was not possible “the establishment of an alliance against Right-wing”. You are not allowed to repeat the same mistake, said mr. Varoufakis. Important to achieve this is to cooperate with the marxists and the defenders of freedom, the Greens and the progressives of the Centre. Like he said, the alternative proposal to the dominant policy, which leads deeper into the economic crisis and wakes up the ghosts of the past, will be composed of many colors.
In view of today’s local elections for the Senate in Berlin, the co-chairman of the party of the German Left (Die Linke) Katya Κίπινγκ sounded the alarm to not become trapped citizens from their right-wing populists, and not to adopt the manner of interpretation of things of the Party Alternative for Germany (AfD).
Without substantial changes, however, stressed that the dissatisfaction of citizens will be directed to the right. The left politician, as follows and mr. Λέντερερ, stressed that the Left should bring hope again.
The head of the list of the Left party (Die Linke) in Berlin, Klaus Λέντερερ, he pointed out the risk of the return of the policy, which wants to put or raise national “scarecrows and fences”. This is in no way a solution, he stressed.
And two politicians of the German Left called on their citizens to a greater mobilization as a lever of pressure on the centre-left governments. If you eventually become a “red-red-green” coalition, as it is called in Germany, consisting of the social democrats, the Left and the Greens, in Berlin, the success will depend on the don’t settle for the citizens to put each and every few years a cross on the ballots. The protest and participation are prerequisites for the changes it wants to make a government, have stressed both.
The party of the German Left and the DiEM25 of Yanis Varoufakis said in the debate willing to join in a movement for “a peaceful, open Europe of solidarity and not of exclusion and exit from this”.